The Environmental Information Association National Conference at Hyatt Regency, Miami, FL, March 23-29, 2019
- March 14, 2019
- Bob Krell
- Posted in AsbestosAssociation WatchIndoor Air Quality (IAQ)LeadMold/MicrobialRadonUncategorized
Chevy Chase, MD – We invite you to join us in Miami, 23-29, 2019, to the only conference you will need all year. The Annual EIA Conference & Exhibition is the source for information on mold identification and remediation, environmental sampling and analysis, lead-based paint abatement, asbestos management, indoor air quality, regulatory compliance audits, environmental site assessments, and environmental management systems. EIA’s National Conference has long earned our attendees continuing education points from ABIH, ACAC and other certifying bodies. Information generation, collection and dissemination is our primary focus. Therefore, we strive to ensure that practical, real world information will be provided to those who need it most – your fellow industry professionals and potential clients. The EIA 2019 National Conference & Exhibitions will feature:
- Outstanding Technical Presentations
- Unparalleled Buying Power
- Annual Golf Tournament
- Great Social Events
- Networking and Buying Opportunities
EIA 2019 features Mayor Elise Parton of Cayce, SC as keynote, discussing emergency response in her city, federal state and local regulatory representatives and industry experts in our unparalleled technical schedule. EIA will introducing our new Women’s Committee, leading the industry in female experts and leadership. We encourage you to visit www.eia-usa.org to review the esteem line-up of speakers.
The Environmental Information Association is a multidisciplinary association that collect, generate and disseminate information concerning environmental and occupational health hazards in the built environment to property owners and operators, interested professionals and the public. For information on membership or the activities and programs of EIA, please call the National Headquarters at 888-343-4324, or visit the EIA website, www.eia-usa.org.