HI LIVE & AFTER HOURS Return in 2022!
We’ve moved our live stream broadcasts over to the Healthy Indoors Online Global Community! You can access all our great content there at: https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/healthy-indoors-live-show/ and https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/hi-after-hours-show/
HI Show Podcast
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show 9/2/21 with guest, Henry Slack
We are pleased to welcome Henry Slack as our guest this week! He has been a regularly-featured presenter at industry events for decades and he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience on a host of indoor environmental topics.
From 1991 to 2018, Henry Slack managed the Indoor Air Program for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 4, dealing with topics as diverse as mold, odors, ozone, carbon monoxide, air cleaners, green buildings, ventilation systems, tobacco smoke, and a guy who could see mold spores flying through the air and attack him. The EPA program is non-regulatory. He was a popular speaker on IAQ topics.
Mr. Slack had a temporary assignment to the CDC National Center for Environmental Health, Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch, in 1998, where he investigated the use of unvented residential heating appliances (which could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning).
For the COVID-19 pandemic, he advised several non-profit organizations on prevention of super-spreader events with use of filters and ventilation. He has also lobbied members of Congress to solve the biggest problem in the world, climate change.
Mr. Slack earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in 1974 from Southwestern at Memphis (now called Rhodes College) in Memphis, Tennessee, and a Master of Science in 1980 from Georgia Institute of Technology. He joined ASHRAE in 1988 and has never regretted it.
Watch the live stream and video recordings below! You can watch the live stream broadcast or access the video and audio podcast recordings after the event air at: https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/healthy-indoors-live-show/9-2-21
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show
Each episode features the industry’s experts on a variety of topics of interest. The show is hosted by HI‘s Founder & Publisher, Bob Krell, who is a veteran consultant, contractor and trainer in the indoor environmental and building performance industries. and Healthy Indoors‘ Editor, Susan Valenti, as the Moderator for our new LIVE virtual studio audience.
Watch all our shows (Live and recorded) on the new Healthy Indoors Online Global Community at: https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/healthy-indoors-live-show
YOU Can be Part of the Show
New for Q3 2021 is the addition of a live virtual studio audience participation via the Healthy Indoors Online Global Community. Our Community Members can request to join in a moderated discussion with our hosts and guests to ask their questions live on camera. Direct Message (DM) our Moderator, Susan Valenti, on the Community at: https://global.healthyindoors.com/u/e287cbf1 to request joining our show live on camera during the broadcast. She will give you a link to login to our studio, where you will be placed in our backstage “Green Room” until we bring you into the show live.
Recent Episodes
Healthy Indoors LIVE Show 8-26-21: The Experience Returns with guest Larry Cooper
This week we are joined by Larry Cooper, who has been a prolific force in the Cleaning, Restoration, and Remediation industry for decades. We’ll discuss his journey in the business since his entry into the carpet cleaning business in 1972, as well as the upcoming Experience event in Las Vegas next month. He has been instrumental in the development of many of the IICRC standards, and has been producing major industry events for a number of years. https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/healthy-indoors-live-show/8-26-21
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show August 12, 2021 with guest Dr. Lauren Tessier
This week, we welcome the return of Dr. Lauren Tessier to continue our discussion from her last show on June 10th. Watch live or catch the recording/podcast after at: https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/healthy-indoors-live-show/8-12-21-dr-lauren-tessier
Lauren Tessier, ND, is a Naturopathic Physician licensed by the state of Vermont. After a few years of practicing Functional & Integrative Medicine, Dr. Tessier noticed that there were some cases that were not responding as well to treatment as typically expected—especially the cases with a history of exposure to mold and water damaged buildings. Driven by her curiosity and desire to help difficult cases, Dr. Tessier started treating biotoxin illness in 2013 and became a CIRS certified physician in 2016. In response to growing interest in her expertise, Dr. Tessier established Life After Mold; the East Coast’s only CIRS certified Naturopathic practice. She is also the current president of the International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness.
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show July 29, 2021 with guest Carl Grimes
Welcome back! Where have you been? You disappeared before COVID, even. How things have changed… The terrain of IAQ has not improved. If anything, it’s even more confusing and riskier for the clients. The necessity of guardrails is greater than ever. The need for parachutes is beginning.
We will be discussing IAQ/IEQ from both the commercial/residential client’s perspective, as well as from the practice side. Clear communication is paramount for positive outcomes with indoor environmental issues.
Carl Grimes, HHS CIEC, has direct experience consulting with those who experience complaints indoors and as a leader in the industry intended to fix those causes. Because he also originally experienced the harm in his personal life he has a unique perspective and approach for understanding and communicating the complications and confusions between them. He is past president of IAQA and VP of Practice of ISIAQ, chaired the IAQA Healthy Home committee that wrote the Healthy Home Assessment Principles course. He has served on committees writing the original S520 mold remediation standard, medical practice parameters for allergists, official policy position statements for ASHRAE, plus several peer reviewed and published papers. He current activities include the Vice Chair of ASHRAE TC1.12 on building dampness, Chair of ASHRAE’s SGPC10 committee Interactions Affecting the Achievement of Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, and is the Director of Healthy Homes for the Hayward Healthy Home Institute and Hayward Score.
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show July 22, 2021 with guest Graeme Marsh
1n 1998 he established Future Business Concepts (FBC) through which he consults on multiple business issues with small to medium bio-tech / pharmaceutical, new materials, environmental (HVAC, IAQ and Water), semiconductors, telecom, internet and media companies.
After the ‘Dot.Com’ collapse in the early 2000s he pivoted FBC into new materials and environmental remediation, working largely in the energy sector. This shift ultimately brought him into contact with Z BioScience Inc. (ZBS), a California Biotech company specialized in development and manufacture of Probiotic Cleaners.
He immediately recognized the huge and highly disruptive technological leap that probiotic cleaners represented for facility hygiene and occupant wellness. The idea of consciously bioengineering the biological communities on surfaces so they would be dominated with safe, beneficial probiotic bacteria that supported occupant wellbeing, was a complete reversal of the conventional practices and market solutions.
Z BioScience had intended to focus on the Healthcare vertical to address the challenges of Hospital Acquired Infections. Unfortunately, there was a disconnect with this sector as Infection Prevention and Control personnel were looking for products with high ‘Kill Claims’ that were based on the use of toxic chemistry. This is in stark contrast to how probiotic cleaner’s work.
So, Z BioScience had to develop new markets, which has been Graeme’s role since 2011, during which he has opened up several new markets including Janitorial, HVAC, Transportation, Hospitality, Education (schools and colleges), Long Term Care and more recently Veterinarian.
He has spoken at multiple conferences, including California Association of School Business Officials 2019 (San Diego CA), Tri-Services Microbiome Conference 2019 (W-P AFB Dayton OH), Odor Management Conference & Technology Showcase 2017 (UCLA). His work has been the foundation of several presentations at NADCA (egg: coil cleaning). He was also a participant at the 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Microbiology of the Built Environment, and the 2019 and 2020 Institute for Health in the Built Environment Conferences.
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show July 15, 2021 – Housing IS Healthcare with guest Kevin Kennedy
Exposure to environmental hazards happens almost exclusively in homes. How can we help health systems address the environmental exposures that are often the root causes of the health problems they are trying to treat. They are starting to focus on community impacts on health and developing strategies to work with professionals in communities. Are you ready to help?
That’s the topic on this week’s Healthy Indoors LIVE Show with our guest, Kevin Kennedy. Watch the live broadcast on Thursday July 15, 2021 from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4) or catch the recording anytime on the new Healthy Indoors® Online Global Community at: https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/healthy-indoors-live-show/healthy-indoors-live-show-7-15-21-housing-is-healthcare-with-kevin-kennedy
Kevin Kennedy, MPH, CIEC is an Environmental Hygienist and Program Director of the Environmental Health Program at Children’s Mercy Kansas City. The program provides patient families, schools and childcares with technical assistance and resources to assist them in identifying and reducing indoor environmental exposures that may result in health problems for children. They perform research and teach short courses on indoor environmental health issues focusing on home environmental health assessments and environmental interventions to reduce exposure. Mr. Kennedy has been involved in environmental health science and industrial hygiene chemistry consulting for over 30 years.
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show July 8, 2021 – The “Subjective Science” of Mold Sampling-Part 2 with guest Scott Armour
A consultant takes some samples, sends them off to a lab, then tries to interpret the analysis results. But what does it all mean?
We jump BACK into that dicey discussion on Thursday’s Healthy Indoors LIVE Show with this week’s guest, Scott Armour, and what will undoubtedly be a highly engaged LIVE virtual studio audience—again!
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show July 1, 2021 – Young Professionals in the Indoor Environmental Industry
This week our guests are two young professionals, Shaiasia Erickson and Alexis Jennings, who are currently working in the industry. We’ll get their takes on why they chose this field and their outlook on the future of our profession.
Shaiasia Erickson is an epidemiologist / industrial hygienist who has worked in the public health field for over 10 years with a primary focus on environmental health issues. She received a Master of Public Health Epidemiology from Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University. Her experience in public health includes outbreak investigations, indoor air quality assessment, cancer cluster investigations, mold and moisture assessment and remediation oversight, Legionella risk assessment as well as vector and tick-borne diseases. She has managed numerous projects relating to volatile organic compounds, mold and moisture, mold remediation oversight, Legionella risk assessment, epidemiologic review on outbreak investigations, and the Florida 2016 Zika outbreak. She is currently employed with Healthcare Consulting and Contracting, also known as HC3. Prior to Mrs. Erickson’s transition to the private sector, she served as the former Tick-borne Disease Coordinator, and Vector-Borne Disease Assistant Coordinator at the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Epidemiology.
Alexis Jennings has five years of relevant toxicology, industrial hygiene, environmental and occupational health, and indoor air quality field experience. She received her bachelor’s degree in Biology, with a minor in chemistry from Florida State University, and a master’s degree in Public Health environmental toxicology from Florida International University. Alexis has managed numerous projects pertaining to mold remediation oversight, volatile organic compound exposures, cooling tower assessment and inspections, and hazardous chemical assessment and remediation, and assisted in methanol and fentanyl initial investigations and remediation over-site. Alexis has been heavily involved with Legionnaire’s Disease Outbreak Response protocols in hospitals, airports, hotels, and other commercial facilities. At the AIHce 2018 Expo, she presented a novel approach to tracking water parameters, to assess potential exposure to Legionella, using a Polar Plot system has been developed to spot trends over time. Alexis is a Florida Licensed Mold Assessor, Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) accredited, and Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) certified.
Healthy Indoors AFTER HOURS Show Tuesday June 22nd, 7:00 – 8:30 PM ET with guests Dr. David Krause & J West
An all-new online show from Healthy Indoors debuting on May 25, 2021 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM ET, hosted by Bob Krell & Joe Medosch. Picture yourself walking into the hotel lounge after a day of sessions at an industry event, and having a conversation with a group of experts.
Watch the live stream and comment on the new Healthy Indoors Online Global Community at: https://global.healthyindoors.com/c/hi-after-hours-show
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show June 17th: The Subjective Science of Mold Sampling
June 10th: “Life After Mold” with Dr. Lauren Tessier, ND
Lauren Tessier, ND, is a Naturopathic Physician licensed by the state of Vermont. After a few years of practicing Functional & Integrative Medicine, Dr. Tessier noticed that there were some cases that were not responding as well to treatment as typically expected—especially the cases with a history of exposure to mold and water damaged buildings. Driven by her curiosity and desire to help difficult cases, Dr. Tessier started treating biotoxin illness in 2013 and became a CIRS certified physician in 2016. In response to growing interest in her expertise, Dr. Tessier established Life After Mold; the East Coast’s only CIRS certified Naturopathic practice. She is also the current president of the International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness.
Healthy Indoors AFTER HOURS Show: Tuesday May 25th, with guests Raefer Wallis, Louie Cheng, and Shawn Macomber
The show streamed live on the new Healthy Indoors® Online Global Community (Sign up for a free membership here: https://iaqnet.lpages.co/hi-global-community-pre-signup/) and here at HealthyIndoors.com.
Louie Cheng is originally from the US, founded PureLiving in 2010 to meet the demand for clean indoor air and water in China. PureLiving also implements innovative proprietary solutions and technology for clean air including the design and installation of filtration, odor/chemical reduction, mold remediation, energy savings, and air quality monitoring systems. Today, with operations in 5 cities across China, HK and India, PureLiving is the industry’s provider of choice for assessment, engineering, implementation, and monitoring of indoor environmental quality.
Raefer Wallis is an Architect and the founder of GIGA, an independent third party combining the development of building standards with cloud technology to increase the accessibility and impact of healthy buildings globally. Working at the intersection of healthy buildings and cloud technology, Raefer has pioneered standards for data quality which are used internationally and serve as foundations for both RESET and ORIGIN, GIGA’s two primary areas of focus.
Shawn Macomber is a licensed builder with 15 years of IAQ Consulting experience specializing in water intrusion, Chinese drywall and restoration.
Shawn recently signed on with the Insurance Institute for Building and Home Safety (IBHS) as the Construction and Facilities Manager at their research center in Richburg, SC. The Research Center centers around a large wind chamber with 105 6-foot diameter fans capable of producing wind speeds up to 130 mph. Equipment allows for the addition of rain, hail, and embers to study the effects of hurricanes, wind driven rain, hail and wildfire on full size homes and buildings.
June 3rd–Bridging the Disconnect Problem Between Research and Practice with guests Dr. Richard Shaughnessy and John Downey
Connecting Researchers & Practitioners–It’s Now or Never!
The pandemic has given our industries an unprecedented opportunity to teach the world how to create and maintain healthier indoor spaces. Dr. Richard Shaughnessy and John Downey join the Healthy Indoors LIVE Show to discuss the importance of bringing together academics and industry pros to solve indoor environmental issues. And learn how Healthy Buildings 2021 – America (this fall in Hawaii!) aims to finally get both sides to listen to each other and find common ground to move forward.
Richard J. Shaughnessy, has served as Director of the University of Tulsa’s Indoor Air Quality Research Program (TUIAP) in the Chemical Engineering Department since 1987. His studies have focused on particulate research, air cleaner evaluation, indoor chemistry, school studies, asthma/housing research, and resolution and remediation of bioaerosol-related problems. He is experienced in field research in homes and schools, and associated measurements/tools related to characterization of IAQ and moisture. He is currently furthering research studying associations between IAQ parameters in classrooms and student health/performance, and is actively working toward defining a basis for “clean” in schools which applies to both performance and health of students. Through 2009 – 2012, Dr. Shaughnessy also served as President of The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ), and continues to work with the Society to translate science into practice.
John Downey is a veteran of more than 45 years in the cleaning and disaster restoration industry, is the Executive Director of the Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI). CIRI is the host organization of ISIAQ’s Healthy Buildings 2021 – America conference being held November 9-11 in Honolulu.
May 27th–What is IAQ? Open Audience Discussion with guest, Joe Medosch
Joe Medosch returns to the Healthy Indoors LIVE Show for an interactive discussion with our “Virtual Studio Audience” about some important indoor environmental topics for professionals and consumers.
May 20th–Making Green Cleaning Sustainable with guest, Steve Ashkin
Stephen Ashkin – President, The Ashkin Group
Steve is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and a leader of the Green Cleaning Movement where he is often thought of as the “Father of Green Cleaning.”
Currently he serves as President of The Ashkin Group, Executive Director of the Green Cleaning Network, co-founder of Green Cleaning University and CEO of Green to Sustainable – all of which play important roles in his efforts to move the global cleaning industry from green to sustainable.
Steve has been working in the cleaning industry since 1981 where he has held key technical and management positions for leading commercial and consumer products companies, and has worked on the issue of “green” cleaning since 1990. He has extensive experience working throughout the entire supply chain from leading product manufactures to product distributors to service providers to building owners and facility managers. In addition, Steve also works extensively with market influencers such as environmental and health advocates, labor unions, media, governments, policy-makers, standard setters and others which have given him deep insights into how the marketplace can be used to drive health and environmental improvements.
Among Steve’s many awards include recognition from the National Performance Review for his help launching the President’s Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program, an Excellence Award from the US Environmental Protection Agency for his work to protect children from environmental threats, and the Green Building Advocate of the Year from the Leonardo Academy for bringing Green Cleaning to LEED-EB.
April 29nd–“Effective Solutions for Improving IAQ” with Erlab‘s Jesse Coiro
This week we discuss some effective solutions for improving IAQ, the placebo effect of ineffective products, and the truth behind the claims and the complacency that is being caused by the vaccine. We need to learn from our past mistakes and focus on implementing solutions for the long term.
Jesse Coiro, Director of Growth & Strategic Initiatives for Erlab, Inc.
Jesse Coiro has over 20 years of experience providing solutions to the biopharma, pharmaceutical, medical device, and educational markets, with his specialty being focused on filtered solutions for the protection of personnel, facilities, and the environment. Jesse also has experience working with hospitals, helping develop plans to adhere to USP <797> standards while also providing solutions, such as; environmental monitoring, sterile processing, and proficiency testing.
April 22nd–Earth Day, Climate Change & more with EPA veteran Tom Murray
Joining us on today’s show will be Tom Murray, sustainability consultant, former EPA Senior Science Advisor, and Healthy Indoors columnist, to discuss Earth Day and his 44-years at the EPA.
Tom Murray is president of Tom Murray Environmental Consulting. He is a sustainability expert who spent 44 plus years at the United States Environmental Protection Agency. He built his career around finding sustainability solutions through public-private partnerships with various industry sectors such as healthcare, the utility sector and the automotive industry. He is also a contributor to Healthy Indoors Magazine offering his views as “Sustainability Snippets.”
April 15th–How to Prevent “Snake Oil” Sales from the IAQ Industry
For years we’ve been hearing about “Snake Oil” products and “Snake Oil” Salesmen in the indoor environmental industry. Glenn Morrison wrote about it in his Indoor Air “Pseudoscience, Snake oil, and Indoor Air Quality” piece three years ago, and more recently, Bud Offermann in his 11/20 Beware the COVID-19 Snake Oil Salesmen Are Here paper.
Glenn Morrison editorial at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ina.12455?af=R
This begs the question, “Is the Problem Snake Oil Salesmen or Snake Oil Products…or both?” We’re going to dive into that controversial conversation when we are joined by this week’s guests: Bud Offermann, Glenn Morrison, and Thomas Licker. This is going to be a show you will really want to see!
Francis “Bud” Offerman is a certified industrial hygienist and professional engineer and president of Indoor Environmental Engineering, an IAQ consulting firm based in San Francisco, California. He has had a long-standing commitment to the study of indoor environments and the dynamic interaction between occupants, contaminant sources, and building materials and systems.
Dr. Glenn Morrison is currently a professor and researcher in the Environmental Science and Engineering Department’s Gilings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He was also president of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate from 2014-2016 and was named a fellow in 2011.
Thomas Licker, CEICR, CBRM, is manager of the Infection Control Technologies division of Insurance Restoration Specialists, He has over 20 years of professional experience in handling event driven hazardous materials and biological response actions for Industrial, Commercial and Residential properties. He currently sits on the Board of Directors as the President of the American Bio Recovery Association.
April 8th–Air Cleaning & IAQ with Vinny Lobdell
On this week’s show, we’ll be discussing the role of air cleaning/filtration for maintaining good IAQ in our homes, workplaces, and schools with HealthWay Family of Brands President, Vinny Lobdell.
Links from the show:
You can connect with Vinny on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/vinnylobdell/
HealthWay Family of Brands at https://www.healthway.com
Intellipure Air Purifiers at https://www.intellipure.com
PureRoom for product and services at https://pureroom.com
Vinny and his dad, Vincent Sr., discuss business growth during the pandemic at http://www.oswegocountybusiness.com/special-features/healthway-expands-dramatically-as-demand-for-its-air-filtration-products-surges/
HealthyWay in Chicago schools… https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/healthway-to-make-30k-air-purifiers-for-chicago-schools-what-it-means-to-pulaski-company/ar-BB1aSesX
Vinny Lobdell, President, HealthWay Family of Brands
Vinny Lobdell attended Oswego State for 4 years focusing on Marketing and Economics. Later, he received an entrepreneurial masters in partnership with the Entrepreneurs Association at MIT. Over the past 12-years, Lobdell has developed a passion and expertise in Indoor Air Quality. He has traveled to 50 countries educating and speaking to industry leaders, governments, and medical professionals on air pollution and the harmful effects of occupying our built environments.
Lobdell took a leadership role as President at HealthWay Family of Brands in 2008 and soon thereafter, HealthWay was named to the Inc 500 list of fastest growing companies in America. Today, HealthWay is recognized as the global leader in air purification solutions and builds portable and engineered modular, scalable options for residential and commercial spaces.
In 2017, as a response to growing end-consumer demand Lobdell co-founded Intellipure, a leading B2C brand with a heavy emphasis on customer experience through handcrafted, high- efficiency, individually certified air cleaning systems.
Over the last 6 months, HealthWay and Intelllipure have been proudly called on by NYC Health and Hospital, Atlantic Health Systems, The U.A.E. Ministry of health and hundreds of corporate clients to assist in getting people back to work safely. HealthWay remains committed to the Central New York Community and to fuel the global demand, has hired 50+ employees and added 20,000 square feet of additional manufacturing space at their global headquarters in Pulaski NY. HealthWay under the leadership of Lobdell is on a mission to “Reimagine the world as a better, safer place.”
April 1st 2021: National Healthy Schools Week Preview
Joining us this week are Claire Barnett, Founder & Director of the Healthy Schools Network, and Mansel Nelson, Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) to talk about indoor environmental issues in our nation’s schools and the upcoming National Healthy Schools Week which begins on April 6, 2021.
Claire L. Barnett, MBA, Founder and Executive Director, grew Healthy Schools Network from its roots in New York into the nation’s premier voice for children’s environmental health at school by advancing a comprehensive policy agenda, fostering state and local environmental health coalitions across the country, and securing landmark reforms in states and federally. A social entrepreneur, she previously reported for TIME Magazine in New York City, administered rural New York health services, and assisted Adirondack Park communities with sustainable development. She shifted her focus to children’s environmental health in the aftermath of her child’s pesticide exposure at school. Barnett has an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (health systems finance) and a BA from Mount Holyoke College. In 2017, she was honored to receive three national awards: the William K. Reilly Award for environmental leadership and innovation from American University School of Public Policy; the US EPA Indoor Air Quality Champion Recognition; the David P. Rall Award for contributions to public health through science-based advocacy from the American Public Health Association at its annual convention in Atlanta.
Mansel A. Nelson, MS has served with the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP), which is hosted at Northern Arizona University. Mansel’s formal education included Chemistry and Chemical Engineering for twenty-two years. Prior to his service with Northern Arizona University, Mansel served in the US Army Chemical Corps for 14 years and taught community-based chemistry on the Navajo Nation for 6 years. As a Project Director, Mansel’s mission is to help prepare Native American students for careers involving the application of science, mathematics, science and technology to issues impacting tribal communities, such as healthy homes, clean air and clean water. Mansel is also the lead instructor for Indoor Air Quality / Healthy Homes / Healthy Schools courses provided by ITEP.
March 25th 2021: The Year of COVID-19
We take a look back at this past year of the COVID-19 pandemic, what we’ve learned, and what we need to do going forward on this one-year anniversary of the Healthy Indoors LIVE Show, with special guests Dr. Richard Corsi and Dr. David Krause.
Dr. Richard L. Corsi is Dean of the Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science at Portland State University. He previously served on the faculty of the University of Guelph prior to 25 years in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. At UT Austin he served as department chair, endowed research chair, and member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers. Dr. Corsi and his research team have studied indoor air quality, from sources to fate and control of pollutants of both indoor and outdoor origin. His team was the first to incorporate a complex outdoor atmospheric chemistry algorithm into a model for indoor atmospheres, and also completed a modeling effort focused on cost-benefit analyses of indoor ozone control in a dozen cities, accounting for ozone reaction products. His team studied disinfectant interactions and by-product formation with a wide range of indoor materials, potential for passive removal materials to quench indoor chemistry, and indoor SOA formation in actual homes and laboratory chambers in the presence of common consumer products. Dr. Corsi has been honored as a Distinguished Alumnus of Humboldt State University (2006) and the College of Engineering at the University of California at Davis (2016). He is past President of the Academy of Fellows of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Dr. Corsi’s work has been featured in The Economist, National Geographic, NY Times, Washington Post, CBC The Nature of Things, NPR’s Science Friday w/ Ira Flatow, and more.
Dr. David Krause is founder of Healthcare Consulting and Contracting (HC3), and is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Toxicologist, with 25-years of experience in public health, occupational hazard assessments, and indoor air quality. David has expertise in risk assessment, workplace exposures, health care facilities, Legionnaires’ disease, combustion products, flame retardants, irritant chemical exposures, indoor air quality, and mold. From 2008 to 2011 he served as the State Toxicologist for the Florida Department of Health. He co-authored the 2009 Guidelines for the Surveillance, Investigation, and Control of Legionnaires’ Disease in Florida and the 2015 AIHA Guideline for the Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Legionella in Building Water Systems. David currently sits as a member of the ACGIH Bioaerosols Committee and chairs the AIHA Indoor Environmental Quality Committee and leads the association’s efforts to educate its members and the general public on issues surrounding Legionnaires’ Disease.
March 18th 2021: Jeff & Connie May
Jeff May, Principal Scientist of May Indoor Air Investigations LLC in Tyngsborough, MA, has been investigating residential IAQ problems for over 25 years and has collected and examined by microscopy over 40,000 air and dust samples. He is author or co-author of 4 books on IAQ, published by Johns Hopkins University Press: “My House is Killing Me!” (2nd edition due in Fall 2020); “My Office is Killing Me!”; “The Mold Survival Guide”; and “Jeff May’s Healthy Home Tips.”
A former adjunct professor at the Department of Work Environment at U MA Lowell, Jeff is a Certified Microbial Consultant (CMC, through ACAC), a Certified Indoor Air Quality Professional (CIAQP, through AEE), and is licensed as a mold assessor/inspector in NH and in FL. He has given many presentations on IAQ and mold at IAQA and MIAQC conferences and holds a B.A. from Columbia University (chemistry) and an M.A. from Harvard (organic chemistry).
Preview of the Upcoming EIA Online Conference March 29-31, 2021
This week’s Healthy Indoors LIVE Show features a preview of the Environmental Information Association (EIA)’s upcoming national event with special guests, Rob DeMalo, Steve Fulford, and Brent Kynoch.
The Healthy Indoors LIVE Show March 4th 2021: Rachel Reboulet of Inspirotec, Inc.
Hosts Bob Krell & Joe Medosch and moderator Susan Valenti are joined by special guest, Rachel Reboulet of Inspirotec, Inc. to discuss their new AirAnswers technology for collecting air quality samples in the indoor environment.
Preview of the Upcoming IAQA Online Conference Feb 15-18, 2021
Join us on Thursday Feb 11th with our guests: Jay Stake, President of IAQA, and Michele Buggy, Exec. IAQA Director. We’ll discuss the Indoor Air Quality Association‘s 2021 Conference that has gone fully-virtual this year, as well as some of IAQA’s goals for 2021 and beyond.
We Discuss What (and Who) to Watch in the Indoor Environmental Industry for 2021
Healthy Indoors Magazine Editor, Susan Valenti, joins show hosts Bob Krell and Joe Medosch to discuss the hot IAQ/IEQ topics for the year ahead with our virtual “studio audience.” Join the conversation Thursday February 4th from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST on the Healthy Indoors LIVE Show.
The 2021 Healthy Indoors LIVE Show debuts Jan. 28th with a special Kickoff Party for TSI’s new Q-Trak XP IAQ Monitor.
Joining the January 28th show will be TSI, Inc.‘s Kevin Chase and Jim Schumacher to talk about 2020’s effects on how we’re thinking about our indoor environments, and how new tools like the Q-Trak XP Indoor Air Quality Monitor can help professionals address the challenges for improving them. Kevin Chase is the Global Product Manager for Indoor Air Quality and Exposure Monitoring products at TSI. Kevin came to TSI in 2016 with a broad background in product management and marketing in remote monitoring, diagnostic instrumentation, telecommunications and more. Kevin has over 25 years of experience bringing innovative, customer-centric solutions that empower professionals and enhance their ability to serve their customers. Jim Schumacher is a Product Marketing Specialist for TSI’s ventilation and IAQ instrumentation. Jim has 28 years of experience working with HVAC instrumentation and applications. His current responsibilities include focusing on product development and commercialization to a global market. |
The Healthy Indoors Show November 19th with our special guest, Dr. Delphine Farmer.
Indoor air is a complex soup of molecules that is constantly changing, not only because of new sources (cooking, cleaning, personal care products), but also because of chemical reactions taking place on material surfaces and in the air. We will be discussing results from the House Observations of Microbial and Environmental Chemistry (HOMEChem) – and what they tell us about indoor air quality–just in time for your Thanksgiving dinner cooking sprees!
Dr. Delphine Farmer is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. She received her BS in Chemistry at McGill University, a MS in Environmental Science, Policy and Management from UC Berkeley, and her PhD in Chemistry from UC Berkeley. While her interests have mainly focused on the outdoor atmosphere and how forests interact with air pollution, she has recently dived into the world of indoor air. She is a co-leader of the HOMEChem study and the forthcoming CASA (Chemical Assessment of Surfaces and Air) Study, which is focused on the interactions between indoor and outdoor air pollution.
IAQ & Energy 2020 Conference: The Industry’s Premiere Online Event
Erin Bouttenot and Steve Caulfield of the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council (MIAQC) join us to discuss their upcoming IAQ & Energy 2020 Conference on October 27-29, 2020.
Asbestos—Are We Doing Enough to Combat This Environmental Hazard?
Asbestos—Are We Doing Enough to Combat This Environmental Hazard?
ADAO’s founder, Linda Reinstein and EIA’s Managing Director, Brent Kynoch join us to discuss this important issue.
2020 October Health Literacy Month: ADAO Begins Four-Part Asbestos Awareness and Prevention Blog Series https://bit.ly/2SqwHIN
Protect Your Family: What You Need to Know About Legacy Asbestos that Can Still be Found in Your Homes, Schools, and Workplaces and on Consumer Shelves https://bit.ly/30540VW.
ARBAN didn’t get a vote last week — devastating …
ADAO President’s Statement on The U.S. House of Representatives’ Decision to Remove the Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act (ARBAN) from the Suspension Calendar Without Vote https://bit.ly/3cSxMCe
Show Summary by Linda Reinstein
Last week I had the honor and opportunity to join Bob Krell’s Healthy Indoors Show with Joe Medosch (Howard Score) and Brent Kynoch (Environmental Information Association). The discussion topic was “Asbestos: Are We Doing Enough to Combat This Environmental Hazard?”, which opened many areas of discussion regarding prevention and policy.
Each year, nearly 40,000 Americans die from preventable asbestos-caused diseases, yet imports and use continue. Bob, Brent, and Joe, know all too well from their decades of experience that it is time to ban asbestos and mitigate/prevent legacy asbestos exposure.
During the conversation I was able to share several points of ADAO’s core work which include:
- ADAO’s kNOwAsbestos.org
- The Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now (ARBAN) Act (H.R. 1603)
- New “Protect Your Family: What You Need to Know About Legacy Asbestos that Can Still be Found in Your Homes, Schools, and Workplaces and on Consumer Shelves”
- ADAO’s four-part October Health Literacy Month series
Healthy Indoors Magazine is led by a team of innovative professionals from the indoor environmental and publishing industries, who bring decades of combined experience and insight to the publication. As the only publication dedicated to indoor air quality and sustainability issues, Healthy Indoors has quickly become a leading source for the latest on research, best practices, new products, and legal matters – information necessary to keep their readers up-to-date in this ever-changing market.
Bob is a great supporter of ADAO’s education and prevention efforts.
In fact, in March 2019 he published a piece I wrote “Healthy Indoors: 10 Ways to Keep Safe from Asbestos”
Special thanks to Bob for giving ADAO the opportunity to present this week
- Draft blog Zoom LHR and Brent were guests — PPT
National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA)
Host Bob Krell and Co-host Joe Medosch are joined NADCA’s Mark Zarzeczny and Jodi Araujo.
Mark Zarzeczny, owner of Advanced Clean Air Specialists, LLC in Philadelphia, PA, has served on the NADCA Board of Directors since 2014 and currently serves as Co-chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee, Chairman of the Industry & Public Relations Committee, and the Anti-Fraud Task Force. He is also a member of the CVI Marketing Task Force and Membership Committee.
As Chief Executive Officer for NADCA, Jodi Araujo is responsible for the strategic and financial oversight of the association and the staff. She works closely with the Board of Directors to translate the strategic vision for the association into action. She also manages their marketing and public relations initiatives and publishes an industry magazine. Araujo ensures that NADCA remains at the cutting edge and fully immersed in all things affecting their industry. She is responsible for industry alliances, partnerships and relationships with other organizations, agencies, groups, corporations and individuals.
Trends in Healthy Living
A discussion with Aprilaire’s John Bleomer, Dave Carlson, and Joseph Hillenmeyer about new industry guidelines, the current consumer landscape, and the HVAC market pertaining to Healthy Homes.
Industry Veteran, Don Weekes
Donald Weekes has worked for forty-five years in the environmental and occupational health field in the US and Canada. His specialties include indoor air quality investigations; mould inspections, project designs, and remediation monitoring and post-remediation verification; asbestos and lead paint inspection, project specification, and abatement and post-abatement monitoring. He is an AIHA Fellow, a CIH, and a CSP who most recently worked for InAIR Environmental, Ltd. in Ottawa, ON. He has now retired and works on volunteer efforts full-time. Don attended New York University for his Masters in Occupational Safety and Health. Don is a former Chair of the AIHA IEQ Committee, a past Vice President for Practitioners for ISIAQ, and a Co-Editor of the AIHA Mold Book published in 2008. He is currently on the ACGIH Board of Directors. He is also the President of the IEQ-GA.
Making Houses Work: A Discussion with Corbett Lunsford, Co-Host of PBS’ Home Diagnosis
Home Diagnosis‘ Co-Host, Corbett Lunsford
Corbett Lunsford returns to the Healthy Indoors Show to talk about his work on a new smartly-designed/built home for his family, and the upcoming 2nd season of his PBS Television series, Home Diagnosis.
The Building Performance Institute’s (BPI) NEW Healthy Housing Principles Reference Guide
BPI’s NEW Healthy Housing Principles Reference Guide
BPI’s CEO, Larry Zarker, and the Guide’s lead author & editor, Kevin Kennedy, will be joining us this week to discuss this new program from the Building Performance Institute
Legionella Discussion with David Krause
Legionella Risks After COVID-19 Shutdowns
HI Show July 23, 2020 —
Healthy Indoors‘ Bob Krell, is joined by Dr. David Krause, Ph.D., CIH, MPH to discuss a renewed concern about Legionella in our buildings.
Dr. David Krause, founder and principal Toxicologist for HealthCare Consulting and Contracting (HC3) in Tallahassee, Florida. He is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Licensed Mold Assessor and a co-authored the 2009 Guidelines for the Surveillance, Investigation, and Control of Legionnaires’ Disease in Florida and the 2015 AIHA Guideline for the Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Legionella in Building Water Systems. Over the past 25 years Dr Krause has practiced environmental science and public health, focusing in the areas of toxicology, occupational health, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, and exposure to microbes and chemicals in homes, schools, office buildings, and healthcare facilities.
The Great Indoors with Emily Anthes
HI Show July 16, 2020 —
Healthy Indoors‘ Bob Krell, is joined by award-winning science journalist and author, Emily Anthes, to discuss her new book on how architecture and design shape human health and well-being.
Emily Anthes is a science journalist and author. Her new book, The Great Indoors: The Surprising Science of How Buildings Shape Our Behavior, Health, and Happiness, was published in June. She is also the author of Frankenstein’s Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts. Her work has also appeared in The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Wired, Nature, Slate, Businessweek, and elsewhere, and her magazine features have won several journalism awards. Emily has a master’s degree in science writing from MIT and a bachelor’s degree in the history of science and medicine from Yale, where she also studied creative writing. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
The Run Down
The Healthy Indoors Show takes a look at the indoor environmental topics that are making news. Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch joins host Bob Krell on a special installment that is sure to become a regular segment for the show.
The boys are about to have an un-glossed-over chat you won’t want to miss!
Yeah, we’re going there…
Sustainability, Racial Justice, and Healthy Environments
HI Show Thursday June 25, 2020
We’re excited to discuss Sustainability, Racial Justice, and Healthy Environments with Suzanne Shelton, president and CEO of the Shelton Group, a sustainability marketing and branding company in Knoxville, Tennessee, and Dr. Lilia Abron, president and CEO of PEER Consultants a 41-year-old environmental engineering consulting firm in Washington, D.C.
Addressing Indoor Air Quality and COVID-19 in India
Addressing Indoor Air Quality and COVID-19 in India
HI Show June 18, 2020 —
Healthy Indoors‘ Bob Krell, is joined live from New Delhi, India by special guest Barun Aggarwal, CEO of Breatheeasy Consultants PVT LTD.
Barun Aggarwal is a serial entrepreneur. In his current role, he founded BreatheEasy Consultants Pvt Ltd – the leading full service Indoor Air Quality solutions company in India. He has co-authored a book – “How to Grow Fresh Air”, published by Juggernaut books.
Barun has served on the Indoor Air Quality assessment working group of USGBC
He is a founding member of Indoor Air Quality Association, USA , India Chapter and currently the chapter Director for India.
He is a member of ISHRAE and is a founding member of the IEQ Committee of ISHRAE that has developed the first international standard for IEQ (Indoor Environmental Quality) – published in 2016. He is also Technical Group (TG) Chair for Indoor Air Quality TG under ISHRAE.
He is a Climate Reality leader trained by Vice President Al Gore.
He teaches a course on Human Wellness in the Built Environment at the School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi as visiting faculty.
To know more about BreatheEasyTM, please visit the website: www.breatheeasylabs.com; www.pbcnet.com; send an email at: barun@BreatheEasyLabs.com and/or follow BreatheEasy on LinkedIn (Breathe Easy Consultants) and Twitter (@BreatheEasyLabs)
Online Events in the Industry’s Changing Global Marketplace
Online Events in the Industry’s Changing Global Marketplace
HI Show June 11, 2020 —
While we have been seeing a steady increase in online offerings for our industry in recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly accelerated the move to virtual events. This week’s show will discuss how the current global crisis has affected rapid changes in the conference and training spaces, and how many organizations are navigating these turbulent virtual waters. Are online events here to stay, and if so, how will virtual technologies shape in-person events once we return to some resemblance of “normal?”
Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch co-hosts with Healthy Indoors‘ Bob Krell, joined by guests: Sue Marchese (AIHA), Jodi Araujo (NADCA), Jay Stake (IAQA), Kelly Rutt (EIA), Christy Crocker (MIAQC), Steve Skodak (BPA), and Beth Mauro (Association Headquarters).
Evolving the Identity of the Industrial Hygiene Profession
Evolving the Identity of the Industrial Hygiene Profession
HI Show June 4, 2020 —
On June 1, 2020, the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) announced a rebranding and public awareness campaign with the unveiling of its new logo and tagline, “Healthier Workplaces—A Healthier World.”
Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch co-hosts with Bob Krell, joined by AIHA’s CEO, Larry Sloan, along with veteran Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs) Mike McGuinness and Jack Springston, to discuss the evolution of the industry.
Restarting the Economy from COVID-19
Restarting the Economy: The Missing Link
HI Show May 28, 2020 —
When it comes to restarting the economy, we all agree that safety is paramount, and the goal is to manage the spread of this disease in a manner that does not result in a second wave (or more). We all understand that more significant measures must be taken until community immunity is achieved one way or another.
There is a significant and inexpensive element to the conversation that no one is discussing–that is, until now!
Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch joins host Bob Krell with special guest Graham Dick
Graham Dick – Director/Master Trainer
Infection Control Training Group
Graham has over 30 years of industry experience and is recognized across North America as one of the most technical decontamination specialists in the property damage restoration industry. He is a subject matter expert on Infection Control, Microbial Decontamination, Forensic Cleaning, Fire/Soot Restoration, and Mould Remediation. He speaks regularly on these topics and many more at environmental, restoration, and hospital facility conferences across North America. He also has served on numerous industry boards, councils and task forces.
BAD ASS HVAC: One simple system to deliver near perfect comfort and air quality.
BAD ASS HVAC: One simple system to deliver near perfect comfort and air quality.
HI Show May 21, 2020 —
Want to create a healthy and comfortable home? Nate “The House Whisperer” Adams will tackle how to do that with a high end central HVAC system. More importantly, he’ll touch on how to sell BAD ASS systems rather than settle for a mediocre single stage piece of equipment that make up 85% of residential HVAC sales.
Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch joins host Bob Krell with special guest Nate Adams.
Dealing with Mold & Moisture in Housing for Building Performance and Weatherization Programs
Dealing with Mold & Moisture in Housing for Building Performance and Weatherization Programs
HI Show May 14, 2020 —
Contractors and consulting performing Building Performance and Weatherization work often are faced with properties that have moisture and mold/microbial issues. In many cases, their only option is to defer doing the project.
What should they be looking for, and how might these organizations better address these situations? This week’s Healthy Indoors Show brings a diverse panel of experts in moisture, mold, building performance/weatherization, and program implementation together to discuss this important topic, right on the heels of last week’s Building Performance Association National Home Performance Virtual Conference.
Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch joins host Bob Krell with guests Bill Robinson (Train2Build), Jason West (CEDA), Kelly Cutchin (SMS-Results), Doug Horgan, and John Mitchell (JLC Industries) for a discussion you will not want to miss on The Healthy Indoors Show!
Sustainability in a Post-COVID-19 World
Sustainability in a Post-COVID-19 World
HI Show May 7, 2020 —
Prior to the current global pandemic, the world’s scientific community has been issuing dire warnings regarding our failures in addressing the eminent threats posed by climate change. We simply cannot continue our current path of fossil fuel consumption and disregard for how we are depleting our planet’s limited resources.
The COVID-19 will complicate matters by draining our economic resources, but it can also serve as a wake-up call and a catalyst for positive change. This week’s panel will discuss this topic and others related to how we can mitigate the damage to our environment with a more responsible approach.
Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch joins host Bob Krell with guests Tom Murray and John Corliss for a discussion you will not want to miss on The Healthy Indoors Show!
Tom Murray is a pollution prevention and sustainability expert, most recently serving as a Senior Science Advisor with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Tom has over 44 years in government service. He is the architect of several environmental partnership programs. Tom holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from Mount Saint Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland and a Master’s Degree in Biology/Environmental Science from the American University, Washington, D.C. Tom retired from federal service in January of 2016 and is now president of Tom Murray Environmental Consulting located in rural Maryland.
John M. Corliss, Jr. is Vice President and Chief Engineer of PEER Consultants. He led the development of post-Katrina recovery plans for three Louisiana parishes, the post flood recovery plan for Nashville, the British Virgin Islands Wastewater Master Plan and the West Africa Water Initiative Strategic Plan. A Professional Engineer, he has a B.S. Urban Systems Engineering, M.S. Public Policy and M.S. Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. Active in political campaigns from an early age, he started his career with the Secretary’s Policy Office at the U.S. Department of Energy. Between then and now he has produced folk festivals, led the redevelopment of a historic mill district, been a college financial aid director, managed the installation of solar systems on municipal buildings, set up a community foundation and headed wastewater planning for the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. The common thread has been the need to apply systems thinking to public sector problems. John is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers, founder of IISE’s Sustainable Development Division and has a Sustainable Development – Social, Economic, Environmental – LinkedIn group with 4,000 members.
Improving Your Indoor Air Quality with Ventilation &
Improving Your Indoor Air Quality with Ventilation & Dehumidification
HI Show April 30, 2020 —
This week the Healthy Indoors Show discusses how Reducing the amount of air that leaks in and out of the home through insulation, air sealing and new windows and doors are some of the first steps when it comes to cutting heating and cooling costs. But such energy saving strategies can result in unintended consequences. If effective mechanical ventilation and moisture control methods are not implemented the result could lead to uncomfortable living conditions, homeowner health issues and in extreme cases – significant structural damage.
Joe Medosch co-hosts with HI‘s Bob Krell, joined by special guest Nikki Kruger of Ultra-Aire.
On the Front Lines of COVID-19: A Medical Perspective
On the Front Lines of COVID-19
HI Show April 23, 2020 —
This week the Healthy Indoors Show includes a panel of experts discussing how the pandemic is affecting first responders and medical practitioners around the country.
Joe Medosch co-hosts with HI‘s Bob Krell, joined by special guests: Dr. David Krause, Dr. John Charles, Kevin Kennedy, Christie Garbarino, Jessie Turner, and Jeff Oliver.
Cleaning/Decontaminating Buildings for COVID-19
Cleaning/Decontaminating Buildings for COVID-19
HI Show April 16, 2020 —
This week the Healthy Indoors Show revisits the topic of what is being done to address properties with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases. What are the cognizant authorities recommending for these spaces prior to re-occupancy, and what are reasonable measures to implement?
Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch co-hosts again this week with HI‘s Bob Krell, joined by special guests: Dr. David Krause, Scott Armour, Graham Dick and Cole Stanton.
Healthy Home, Healthy Occupants: Managing COVID-19 Challenges
Healthy Home, Healthy Occupants: Managing COVID-19 Challenges
HI Show April 9, 2020 — Healthy Home, Healthy Occupants: Managing COVID-19 Challenges
This week is a special 90-minute edition of the Healthy Indoors Show featuring a contractor and consumer-focused episode covering 3 special healthy home topics:
• What consumers know should about filtration, UV systems and similar options – Bryan Orr, Founder HVAC School
• Maintaining Home Health during shelter-in-place – Carl Grimes, and Joe Medosch, Hayward Score
• Reducing Mental Stress – Dr. Adriana Hayward, Psy.D., Hayward Score
Bryan will discuss practical installations for filtration and answer common questions about adding ozone, UV light, and other options to HVAC systems
Carl and Joe will review simple recommendations to keep your home (and your family) healthy especially during shelter-in-place
Adriana will discuss the challenges of dealing with shelter-in-place restrictions, as well as economic and COVID-19 news, and offer practical tips to reduce stress and anxiety for the whole family.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions for Contractors
COVID-19 Safety Precautions for Contractors
HI Show April 2, 2020 — COVID-19 Safety Precautions for Contractors:
Procedures and Personal Protection for Performing Services During the Crisis
Pipes break. HVAC equipment fails. Service work may need to be performed even during a time of lock down and self-quarantine. Can a contractor safely work in buildings during the pandemic? How should they communicate with their clients?
Our panel of experts will discuss some of the considerations for those performing emergency services, and what things may look like in the industry as things eventually level off.
Host Bob Krell is joined this week by Hayward Score’s Joe Medosch, with special guests Bryan Orr, founder of HVAC School, and Tom Peter, CIH from Insurance Restoration Specialists.
CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html
EPA List N: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars-cov-2
CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/disinfecting-building-facility.html
CDC Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Protective Equipment: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/respirator-use-faq.html
HVAC School‘s HVAC Contractors Guide to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2, Coronavirus): https://www.hvacrschool.com/hvac-contractors-guide-to-covid-19-sars-cov-2-coronavirus/
Understanding the Difference Between Masks and N-95 Respirators: https://healthyindoors.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/UnderstandDifferenceInfographic-508.pdf
COVID-19: Balancing Public Health vs. the Economy
HI Show March 26, 2020 — COVID-19: Balancing Public Health vs. The Economy
Joe Medosch of Hayward Score co-hosts with Bob Krell and is joined by guests: Dr. John Charles, Dr. David Krause, and Kevin Kennedy on this critical topic as the world faces this pandemic.
This session addresses the COVID-19 crisis from several perspectives such as what we know today from a medical standpoint, to what reasonable actions you can take to limit the impact of this pandemic at your workplace and in your home.
Dr. Michelle Sanborn – Dr. Sanborn is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician. She completed her residency at the University of Florida Health Science Center-Jacksonville. She then served on active duty in the U.S. Air Force in Missouri and in South Korea. Later, she worked as a hospitalist in Brandon, FL before working in the U.S. Army as a civilian doctor in both South Korea and in Germany. She then worked in outpatient clinics and nursing home facilities in GA before moving back to FL, where she currently works as a hospitalist and also in telemedicine. Dr. Sanborn also holds a master’s degree in Public Health from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Dr. Delphine Farmer – Dr. Delphine Farmer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Colorado State University. She studies atmospheric chemistry, investigating the sources and sinks of air pollution in both the indoor and outdoor environments. In 2018, she co-led the House Observations of Microbial and Environmental Chemistry (HOMEChem) experiment – the first of its kind to systematically study how buildings, cooking, cleaning and human emissions impact the fundamental chemistry of the built environment.
Bob Krell – Bob is president of IAQ Technologies, Inc., a Syracuse, NY-based indoor environmental and building performance firm he founded in 1990, offering consulting, mitigation and training services to a variety of clients throughout the country and abroad. He was the co-founder of IAQNET, LLC in 2013, and serves as publisher of its Healthy Indoors Magazine and online information site, HealthyIndoors.com. Bob was named Publisher of Home Energy magazine and took over those duties for the Building Performance Association (BPA) in the summer of 2019. The inaugural issue of the rebrand, Building Performance Journal, will be released in March 2020. He has worked as a Video Producer/Director and Co-host for the online video series, The Healthy Indoors Show, along with numerous other projects for industry associations, online publications, and commercial clients. Bob is also Training Director and Lead Instructor for IAQNET’s online educational offerings which include webinars and live distance learning offerings through IAQschool.online. Bob has been a nationally recognized indoor environmental consultant and trainer in the IAQ industry for over 29 years. He has designed and managed successful indoor environmental and building performance projects for residential, commercial, educational and healthcare facilities throughout the U.S., and conducted hundreds of investigations since 1990. He has presented at numerous industry conferences, appeared on national television and radio, produces educational videos and webinars and is widely published on indoor environmental topics. He also moderates “The Healthy Indoors” discussion group on LinkedIn.
Joe Medosch – Joe is a Healthy Building Scientist for Hayward Score, Owner of Energy & Environmental Consulting and Founder of HHEA, Healthy Home Environment Association. His diverse background in multiple trades provides a unique understanding of “The House as System.” Joe has been evaluating homes (for better or worse) for 18+ years and has been a Comfort Consultant /Trainer for over 10+ years providing solutions on Healthy/Energy Efficient Home Performance.
Corbett Lunsford – Corbett started testing and analyzing home performance dynamics in 2008 in Chicago, IL. He is the founder of the consulting firm Building Performance Workshop, and hosts the Home Performance YouTube channel and the Building Performance Podcast, which features interviews with the superstars of the building performance industry. He is the author of the book Home Performance Diagnostics: the Guide to Advanced Testing, and the developer of the APT Reports software tool. Teamed up with his bride Grace, an award-winning filmmaker, Corbett’s hosted over 200 YouTube videos, garnering over 1.5 million views from over 6,000 subscribers. The duo also created and co-host the 2018 television show Home Diagnosis and the 2016 Proof Is Possible US Tour. After leaving Chicago in 2015, the couple designed and built the #TinyLab, the world’s highest performance tiny house on wheels (pictured below). They drove it 13,000 miles and toured over 7,000 people through it to show them what a high-performance home feels, smells, and sounds like. Along the way, they gave 214 presentations in 34 cities across 26 states, and after the yearlong tour with their newborn daughter and two cats, settled in Atlanta, GA.
Session Handouts:
Dr. David Krause – Dr. Krause is founder of Healthcare Consulting and Contracting (HC3), and is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Toxicologist, with 25-years of experience in public health, occupational hazard assessments, and indoor air quality. He received his Doctorate in Environmental and Occupational Health and MSPH in Toxicology from the University of South Florida. David has expertise in risk assessment, workplace exposures, health care facilities, Legionnaires’ disease, combustion products, flame retardants, irritant chemical exposures, indoor air quality, and mold. From 2008 to 2011 Dr. Krause served as the State Toxicologist for the Florida Department of Health. He co-authored the 2009 Guidelines for the Surveillance, Investigation, and Control of Legionnaires’ Disease in Florida and the 2015 AIHA Guideline for the Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Legionella in Building Water Systems. David currently sits as a member of the ACGIH Bioaerosols Committee and chairs the AIHA Indoor Environmental Quality Committee and leads the association’s efforts to educate its members and the general public on issues surrounding Legionnaires’ Disease.
Scott Armour – Scott is an internationally recognized expert on environmental acquired illness, mold assessment and remediation, exposure science and data collection methodology, indoor air quality, building science, childhood lead poisoning prevention and abatement, and fire investigation. He has a Masters of Science in Health Science, with a specialty in Industrial Hygiene (Environmental and Occupational Health Specialist) from California State University, Northridge; he has a BA in Sociology from Case Western Reserve University. Mr. Armour’s professional experience since 1992 has included industrial hygiene, public health, non-profit environmental advocacy, research, occupational and workplace safety, infection control and prevention, building science, green buildings, environmental management systems (ISO 14001), and of course, sustainability. Mr. Armour is the Vice-Chair of the ANSI accredited IICRC S520 Professional Mold Remediation Standard – the world’s foremost standard of care for mold remediation. He is the current Chair of IICRC Mold Removal Specialist Certification and Exam Program. Scott is also a long-standing member of ASHRAE/IAQA residential mold inspection standard committee and has been a member of various other industry committees and white papers. In 2014, Mr. Armour was one of a select group of international experts responsible for “Evaluation by international experts of the methods to assess the health impacts of water damaged buildings”, published by the Montreal Public Health Department. Mr. Armour then spent over a year to create and implement a rigorous and systematic method to assess building-related health complaints for the Montreal Public Schools (2nd largest school system in Canada). For the past three years, Mr. Armour is regularly referred to patients by an internationally acclaimed hospital’s Functional Med department; the clinicians send their patients with mold and environmental acquired illness to Scott for assessment of their living and work spaces.
Tim Hebert – Tim Hebert is an AHA Certified Healthcare Constructor and an ACAC-Certified Microbial Consultant. He has over twenty-five years’ experience in the field of indoor air quality testing, building envelope diagnostics, and HVAC systems hygiene assessments. He is a recognized authority in the area of HVAC systems hygiene and its impact on Indoor Environmental Quality. Tim is the Project Design/Manager and Principal Investigator at Air Purification Specialists, Inc., in Pavo, GA.
Corbett Lunsford
Bob Krell
Program provided courtesy of the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council
Part-3 focuses on the management of the physical indoor environment, and the practical building-related strategies that can be implemented to reduce occupants’ exposure to viruses. It will include a thorough overview of effective anti-viral cleaning and disinfecting practices to reduce viruses on surfaces. And it will review prudent measures facilities personnel and building owners can take to maximize the efficacy of their building systems to reduce viral exposure risk.
While the session focuses primarily on larger buildings and workspaces, several of the basic strategies for effective cleaning and improved ventilation apply to home management as well.
Cole Stanton – Frequently engaged with catastrophe restoration, and as a key liason to organizations providing tens of thousands of volunteers in the aftermath of fire, flooding and hurricanes (such as SendRelief), Cole has put boots on the ground to support efforts in more than 30 disaster zones since 2003. Past experience with outbreaks include response strategy development to bird & swine flu, EVD-68 and Ebola, and surface disinfection procedural and policy development for these potential pandemics, as well as numerous regional and local epidemics (norovirus etc) As of Spring 2020, Cole Stanton is Director of Education and AED Specification for the Building Solutions Group (BSG) of ICP (Innovative Chemical Products). In building out a more structured and robust training, knowledge, and specification capability, Cole continues to engage and serve all 24 brands and over 12,000 construction projects in the BSG portfolio. These product areas include building envelope, environmental restoration & remediation, waterproofing, aesthetic finishes, industrial performance coatings, paint removers, marine applications, cementitious technologies, and recreational/athletic surfaces. ICP is the 10th largest coatings company in North America. For 22 years prior, Cole served in leadership, technical and field sales roles for ICP’s Fiberlock’s products for remediation of asbestos, lead paint, mold, disaster recovery, and smoke/fire restoration. With ICP and Fiberlock for 25 years, Cole has provided multi-disciplinary expertise and service to various industries and agencies to develop remediation standards, augment state & provincial regulations. He both presents and writes frequently for industry conferences and publications. Every day, the most exciting challenges involve combining technology from across ICP to solve new challenges in emerging industries such as ICP’s research and provision of solutions for wildfire restoration & suppression, or for legalized cannabis Current standards development projects include development of the first international standard for Fire Damage Restoration, both in the RIA/IAQA program for four years ending 2018; and presently as a volunteer to the IICRC (Institute for Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification)drafting of the S760 Wildfire Damage Restoration Standard. During the RIA (Restoration Industries Association) development phase, Cole was Chair of the Tools, Equipment and Materials Committee; as well as providing early leadership to the HVAC Committee. He served the Consensus Body for this fire damage document for nearly four years. Also with IICRC, Cole continues to serve the Consensus Body (CB) on the IICRC S520 Standard for Professional Mold Remediation. Past service includes service on the CB of the IICRC S540 Trauma Cleanup document, as a Reviewer for the IICRC S500 standard for Water Damage Restoration, and as a Subject-Matter-Expert for exam development for the MRS (Mold Remediation Specialist).
Kristofer Anderson, PE – Kris is the founder and President of K.G. ANDERSON, a Maine consulting engineering firm since 2002, which offers industrial, commercial, healthcare, and residential customers independent assistance regarding building energy, HVAC design and diagnostics, envelope design and forensics, retro-commissioning, and indoor air quality. Kris has a diverse background in the building and construction industry spanning 37 years. Kris holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Norwich, and is a Maine Licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Indoor Air Quality Professional, and Certified Energy Manager. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the Building Commissioning Association (BCA), the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), and Member of the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council (MIAQC). Kris is a frequent speaker at conferences on the subjects of indoor air quality, HVAC, building forensics & science, and retro-commissioning. He is also a Volunteer Firefighter.
Corbett Lunsford
Scott Armour
Dr. David Krause
Bob Krell
Session Handouts:
Practical Building Recommendations to Reduce Virus TransmissionPrepared by Kristofer G. Anderson, P.E., Bath, ME
RIA-IICRC Preliminary Report for Restoration Contractors Assisting Clients With COVID-19 Concerns